Social Media use for Chronic Pain Management: An Online Survey


Do you have an interest in health-related social media use? If yes, please keep reading…..
Mark Merolli, one of our PhD candidates, has been conducting innovative research aimed at bringing increased rigor to the way in which evidence of improved health outcomes can be achieved using social media in chronic conditions. His literature review on social media use in chronic disease management has recently been published in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics (read here) and he will be presenting some of his work at the Medicine 2.0 Conference, September in London, England.
As part of his PhD research project, he’s developed an online survey to better understand how social media is used to manage chronic pain as a result of various chronic diseases. In particular, individual perceptions regarding ‘how’ different social media influence health outcomes.
The survey and further information can be found hereIt will be open until June 30th
We would appreciate it if you could make this survey known to your colleagues, members, patients, extended resources, etc. It would be fantastic if you were able to distribute it via your own blogs, websites and social channels. If you do, please contact Mark to let him know you have done so.
Should you have any questions, he is contactable on email – or phone:  +61408 513 984
We strongly believe this research fills a pivotal gap in knowledge and hope results in improved evidence-based decision making about social media use for the self-management of a variety of chronic conditions!

About HaBIc

The Health and Biomedical Informatics Centre (HaBIc) at the University of Melbourne. Our goal is to build collaborations that advance human health through the shared development and application of expert knowledge about information and communication technologies for healthcare and biomedical research. The unit has an interdisciplinary focus and works closely with researchers from across The University of Melbourne, particularly Institute for a Broadband Enabled Society, Computing and Information Systems, the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, The Melbourne School of Medicine and the Melbourne School of Engineering.