NGS Friday Meetings


The LSCC holds fortnightly meetings for the wider NGS community. Talks range from biologists presenting their research problem which require an NGS solution, to technical talks describing details of analysis pipelines. The focus of these events is to bring the community together, sharing information and encouraging active discussions and interactions. Talks are held every second Friday at 2.30pm in the VLSCI boardroom. If you would like the valuable opportunity to present at one of these meetings, email Andrew Lonie. Also see the list of 2011 talks.

18 July 2013
Melissa Davis, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, UQ
Network and pathway analysis in systems biology

5 July 2013
Fernando Rossello
Understanding Cancer through NGS - Bioinformatics at the Centre for Cancer Research - MIMR

21 June 2013
Andrew Lonie
Bio-IT Asia conference report

24 May 2013
Gabe Kolle, Senior Bioinformatics Support Scientist at Illumina
DNA and RNA sequencing pipelines for Illumina MiSeq and HiSeq

9 May 2013
David Goode
Employing a consensus approach to improve somatic mutation prediction accuracy
12 April 2013
Mahtab Mirmomeni & Ben Goudey
Coverage in denovo assembly
12 April 2013
Ben Goudey
Approaches to multivariate GWAS analysis
15 March 2013
Juan Nunez-Iglesias & Nick Wong
Epigenomics at Lorne
1 March 2013
Clare Sloggett & Gayle Philip
Lorne Conference Summaries
16 November 2012
Luisa Teasdale
NGS for evolutionary biology

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