

Whether you publish a problem, or you solve one, the more you contribute at CodersCrowd the more you learn. We designed metrics that let you monitor your progress as developer. Technology is moving fast and as a computational biologist you need to be a fast learner. You can read books, follow online tutorials or attend conferences, but the learning curve is not comparable to the one you get from learning by doing. CodersCrowd let you try and be corrected, no matter the complexity or the simplicity of your code is, our community will just bring its expertise to let you know how to things the right way.


Publishing stable and reusable code is primordial. You are what you code! Using CodersCrowd will bring you the know how of the community to review your source code before publication. Besides, one of the reasons CodersCrowd was developed is to overcome the problem of code reproducibility in bioinformatics. A lot of projects will not make it because the lack of support to a developed package, if your code is not reproducible enough, finding arguments to support your package will be a very tough exercise.


One of the biggest problems in Bioinformatics is that the knowledge is scattered. CodersCrowd stores automatically the community's solutions into a knowledge base. Although a lot of resources exist to bring help to the community, from mailing lists to Q&A websites, we are still living that moment where you say :"I've seen that problem before !" The reason is that solutions are not well handled, there is no a central repository to store "user experience". We see that as a major probem in the field. Since we keep always learning, we would like to make someone's experience available to the community, that will save us a lot of precious time.


Wondering what is trending in the field ? What is the most used programming language ? What are the new technologies ? CodersCrowd turns community engagement into stats. We translate your achievements into useful graphs, the more users will be engaged, the more we will see and report trends in real time. Currently, we are reporting programming languages distributions, bioinformatics applications (NGS data analysis, comparative genomics ...etc), but with your help we will create much more useful data visualization in the future.