Faculty position in evolutionary genetics/genomics : Bogotá, Colombia @ University of el Rosario

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of Rosario University (Bogotá, Colombia) is seeking a full time faculty member in population and evolutionary genetics.
The successful applicant will be joining the group “Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogeography and Ecology of Neotropical Biodiversity”. The applicant must posses a Ph.D., postdoctoral and teaching experience both at the undergraduate and graduate level, and a good record of scientific productivity in international well-reputed journals. Applicants with expertise in the use of genomics tools to address evolutionary questions (population genomics) in tropical insects are especially encouraged to apply.
The successful candidate will be expected to develop an independently funded research program within the interests of the above mentioned research group. In addition, the candidate will teach undergraduate courses in genetics, evolutionary genetics and/or bioinformatics, along with graduate courses in his or her area of expertise. He/she will also advise undergraduate, masters and doctoral students in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
The application should be written in English and include: 1) a detailed CV with a complete list of publications and teaching experience; 2) a one to two pages long research statement summarizing the candidate’s experience, interests and an outline of the research program that will be developed at El Rosario University; 3) a one-page teaching statement describing experience and teaching philosophy; 4) two letters of recommendation.
Net monthly salary will be competitive for both local and international standards and will be determined by the University point system, based on research and teaching experience. The position will be for one year with the option of becoming permanent depending on performance.
Interested candidates should send the application (preferably as a single PDF) tobiologia.urosario@gmail.com or by mail to María Alejandra Rodríguez, Administrative Director, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas, Cr. 24 No. 63C-69, Bogotá (D.C.) 111221, Colombia, no later than August 16, 2013. For specific questions about this position please contactmariaa.rodriguez@urosario.edu.co.

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