Inter-institutional Grad Program on Bioinformatics @ University of São Paulo, Brazil

Recently established as a consequence of the successful Brazilian initiatives in genomic and post-genomic studies, the MSc and PhD Programs on Bioinformatics at USP aim to meet the resultant need for a grad program that can simultaneously deal with biological and computational aspects of this field. The Program aims the training of highly-qualified human resources who can work in research and also in development and innovation. The Program is composed by many of the main USP's institutes that host researches in biology and informatics, comprising studies on genome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, structural biology, systems biology, among other.

A working definition that the University of Sao Paulo's Inter-institutional Grad Program on Bioinformatics uses to understand what is Bioinformatics is the one in line with the inclusive interpretation for this term: Bioinformatics is the application of computational and mathematical techniques to generate and manage information from/for Biology and/or Biotechnology.

In order to meet the broad multi-disciplinary requirements, a marked characteristic of the Bioinformatics field, a core of basic courses was established. These will allow those students coming from biology-oriented background to level up their hard-science knowledge and, symmetrically, those with a hard-science background to level up their biological knowledge. The required credits, which are choose by the students as a function of their own research projects, are completed by specific and advanced courses that can be held all over USP's campi