The 7th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management

HIKM 2014 - Auckland, 20-23 January 2014

The 7th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management will be held at the Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, 20 - 23 January 2014.
HIKM is an established forum held annually as part of Australasian Computer Science Week.
2014 HIKM Workshop Co-chairs are Jim Warren, University of Auckland and Kathleen Gray, University of Melbourne.
Submission of papers presenting original unpublished work is now open.


Papers should address current research topics in health informatics and knowledge management, for instance:
  • biomedical devices, physiological signal and imaging data processing and analysis/ interpretation
  • clinical decision support systems and diagnosis / treatment guidelines
  • conceptual models and architectures for health information systems
  • data and knowledge aspects of bioinformatics and physiological signals
  • electronic health records and personal health records
  • evaluation and standardisation in health data and clinical applications
  • health consumer information systems and web portals / tools
  • health data coding, terminologies, ontologies, messaging protocols and systems interoperability
  • health databases and repositories, and data integration/linking
  • health information retrieval, analysis and visualization
  • health knowledge discovery, representation and application
  • health workflow management and business process engineering
  • improving the use and quality of health data collections and registries
  • modelling spatial, temporal and biological data for health purposes
  • patient journey analysis and modelling, and care plan management
  • privacy, protection and security issues for health data and systems
  • public and population health data analysis, prediction and surveillance
  • systems for integrated or coordinated care and sharing of patient data
Papers should be no more than 10 pages in length, and conform to the formatting instructions for the Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology series.
Email papers in Word or RTF format to no later than Monday 12 August 2013.
Name files using HIKM, hyphen, first a uthor's surname and initial, e.g. "HIKM-warrenj.rtf"
Each paper will undergo double-blind review by at least two reviewers. Papers will be judged on originality, significance, technical quality, relevance to the workshop, and presentation. Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of ACSW 2014, to be published by the Australian Computer Society in the Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology series.
Submission of a paper will be regarded as an undertaking that it will not be simultaneously under consideration elsewhere, and that should the paper be accepted, at least one author will attend the conference to present the work.

Key dates:

  • Paper Submission: Monday 12 August 2013
  • Author Notification / registration opens: Monday 7 October 2013
  • Final Version: Monday 28 October 2013
  • Author Registration ends: Monday 4 November 2013
  • Early-bird registration ends: Monday 2 December 2013
  • ACSW 2013 conference: 20 - 23 January 2014

Programme Committee:

Jim Warren, University of Auckland
Kathleen Gray, University of Melbourne (co-chairs)

David Hansen, CSIRO
Anthony Maeder, University of Western Sydney
Farah Magrabi, University of New South Wales
Dave Parry, Auckland University of Technology
Tony Sahama, Queensland University of Technology
Jan Stanek, University of South Australia
Trish Williams, Edith Cowan University
Ping Yu, University of Wollongongs