
Registration   closed 


Thursday, 4. July 2013

8:00 Arrival & Registration
Welcome Notes:
Ed Constable, Vice Rector Research, University of Basel
Manolis Dermitzakis, Program Chair [BC]2013, SIB & University of Geneva
9:30 Opening Keynote Lecture:
Human Genome Variation and Personalized Medicine,
Stylianos Antonarakis, University of Geneva.
Coffee Break & Poster Session

Session I (Chair: Niko Beerenwinkel)
11:00 Whole-Genome Sequence Based Association Studies of Complex Traits: the UK10K Project,
Nicole Soranzo
, Sanger Institute, UK.
11:30 New Methods for the Analysis of Human Population Genomic Data
Adam Siepel, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, USA.
12:00 Rare Variants: Abundant and Deleterious, yet only Marginally Important for Disease
Daniel Wegmann
, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Lunch Break & Poster Session

Session II (Chair: Jacqui Beckmann)
14:00 Genome-Wide Association Study of Metabolic Traits Reveals Novel Gene-Metabolite-Disease Links
Sven Bergmann, Université de Lausanne & SIB, Switzerland.
14:30 Genomics of Regulatory Variation
Kerrin Small, King's College London,UK.
15:00 Trans-eQTL Mapping in over 8'000 Samples Reveals Genetic Variants that Define Hallmarks of Disease
Lude Franke, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
Coffee Break & Poster Session

Session III (Chair: Ioannis Xenarios)
16:00 Transcriptome Sequencing Uncovers Functional Variation in the Human Genome
Tuuli Lappalainen
, Stanford University, USA.
16:30 Genetic Variability and the Proteome,
Ruedi Aebersold, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
17:00 Discovering Basel ...

Friday, 5. July 2011

8:30 Arrival & Registration
Session IV (Chair: Sven Bergmann)
9:00 Human Germ Line and Somatic Mutation Rates: Evolution, Biology and Statistical Genetics
Shamil Sunyaev
, Harvard University, USA.
9:30 Epigenome Mapping at Allelic Resolution to Interrogate Genomic Basis of Human Disease
Tomi Pastinen
, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
10:00 Interpreting Patterns of DNA Methylation on a Genome-wide Scale
Michael Stadler
, FMI & SIB, Basel, Switzerland.
10:30 Coffee Break & Poster Session
Session V (Chair: Alexandre Reymond) 

11:30 Human Genome Diversity and the Personal Drug Response Profile
Urs A. Meyer
, University of Basel, Switzerland.
12:00 Clinical Bioinformatics: a Paradigm Change in Medicine,Jaques Beckmann, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Lunch Break & Poster Session

  Session VI (Chair: Ron Appel)
14:00 SIB - best poster award winner
  SIB - best graduate paper award winner
  SIB - young Bioinformatician award winner
15:00 Closing Keynote Lecture:
Challenges of Rapid Population Growth to Modeling Human Genetic Variation
Andrew Clark, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, USA.
Closing remarks
Manolis Dermitzakis, Program Chair [BC]2013, SIB & University of GenevaTorsten Schwede[BC] Series Chair, Biozentrum University of Basel & SIB
ca. 16:30 End of Conference & Departure