Welcome to the new Virology.ca website!

Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center 

Check out some new features on Virology.ca:
  • Updates to the Base-By-Base tool for analysis of multiple genome alignments
  • Includes detailed SNP analysis
This Bioinformatics Resource (Virology.ca, the Canadian half of the now defunct VBRC)  focuses on large DNA viruses:
To access the databases and tools, users need an account on Virology.ca. Don’t panic! It’s free and simple, just click register (top right of sidebar) and create a new account if you need one. This is simply to help us keep better track of the usage of our programs so we can better target future development. For more information, email cupton at uvic dot ca.
Our goal is described here; in brief, this site is provided to help with your research! If you use this resource, you must cite the relevant papers, which are found on the individual tool pages (publication list), and please consider collaborative publications.