Post-Doctoral fellowship in Bioinformatics/Computer Science @ IEETA, University of Aveiro

This position is in the scope of a Multidisciplinary project on New Strategies Applied to Neuropathological Disorders.

  • The candidate will colaborate in a bioinformatic platform for identifying candidates for drug targets, which main objectives are (but not limited to):
  • To develop advanced data extraction and integration workflows, allowing for the aggregation of neurological health and disease data in modern knowledge bases.
  • To deploy a knowledge base framework bridging the gap between wet lab research and healthcare/clinical work.
  • To promote future-proof software interoperability through the creation of a Semantic Web application and services platform.
  • To develop algorithms for mining and substantiating molecular interactions from the literature. Continually updated knowledge base of ranked text-mined molecular interactions.
  • Applicants should have a good track record of publication in SCI journals, experience in (co)supervising at graduate and post-graduate levels (e.g., PhD and MSc students), strong communication skills and the ability to pursue an independent research career. They will be encouraged to collaborate with other relevant UA researchers within their fields. 

To apply
Applications should include the following items:
a) Detailed Curriculum Vitae;
b) Copy of an identification document;
c) Copies of certificates of academic qualifications;
d) Two recommendation letters.

The applications must be submitted by September 7, 2013, by e-mail to Anabela Viegas (  and, identifying the subject of the call: "Neuropathological Disorders_02 - subarea Bioinformatics".