Useful Open Sources and Bioinformatics Tools for students

Open Source or Free Bioinformatics Tools
  1. HD-CNV (Hotspot Detector for Copy Number Variants)  source
  2. bedTools – source
  3. PennCNV – source
  4. Circos – source
  5. FigTree – source

R and R packages
Basic statistics in R
  1. ape – source

Other Nifty Free Downloadable Software
  1. Notepad ++ - source
  2. Mendeley – source
  3. JabRef – source

Perl-based tools
  1. pedigree-perl (prepares a TeX file) – source

Typesetting, Formatting, Graphing, Images
  1. TeXStudio – source
  2. Venn Diagram Plotter – source

Databases and Browsers
  1. NCBI (general) – source
  2. dbVar – source
  3. Centre for Genome Dynamics (The Jackson Laboratory) – source
  4. UCSC Genome Browser – source

Proprietary Licensed Software
  1. Partek Genomics Suite – source