EMBO Practical Course on Metabolomics Bioinformatics for Life Scientists


This course will provide an overview of key issues that affect metabolomics studies,bioinformatics tools, and procedures for the analysis of metabolomics data. It will be delivered using a mixture of lectures, computer-based practical sessions and interactive discussions. The course will provide a platform for discussion of the key questions and challenges in the field of metabolomics.


This course is aimed at PhD students and researchers with a minimum of one year’ s experience in the field of metabolomics who are seeking to improve their skills in metabolomics data analysis. Participants must have experience using R (including a basic understanding of the syntax and ability to manipulate objects) and the UNIX/LINUX operating system.

Syllabus, Tools and Resources

During this course you will learn about…
  • Metabolomics study design, workflow and sources of experimental error
  • Metabolomics data processing: R, XCMS, MetFrag, NMR tools, …
  • Metabolomics data analysis: R, Bioconductor, data fusion, univariate and multivariate data analysis, data clustering and correlation methods…
  • Metabolomics downstream analyses: MetExplore, Cytoscape plugin, metabolic pathway analysis, visualisation, differential expression, metabolomics flux.
  • Metabolomics standards and databases: data dissemination and deposition in EBI-MetaboLights, ISATools and COSMOS

Learning Objectives

After this course you should be able to…
  • Discuss major principles of metabolomics experimental design and factors that impact upon subsequent analysis
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in a variety of metabolomics analytical approaches
  • Use a range of Bioinformatics software to pre-process, process and analyse metabolomics data
  • Discuss current trends and challenges in metabolomics
Application registration closes 17 January 2014 (12:00 midday GMT). There will be a maximum of 25 participants on this course. Successful applicants will be notified by 31 January 2014 and will then be asked to confirm their place on the course by re-registering and paying the course fee.

Reza Salek EMBL-EBI & Cambridge University, UK