Postdoctoral Researcher in Medical Image Processing @ The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Postdoctoral position in Medical Image Processing:
The Systems Imaging & Bioinformatics Group in the Department of Bioinformatics & Computational Biology at MD Anderson Cancer Center is seeking postdoctoral fellows interested in the application and development of image processing & machine learning methods to: (i) analyze MRI/CT medical image data, and (ii) derive predictive models to relate imaging and genomic features with clinical outcome data across multiple cancer types.  Even though our current focus is medical (MRI/CT) image processing, we are beginning to initiate projects in histopathological image processing as well.
Our group is highly interdisciplinary and collaborates extensively with many groups (pathology and clinical radiology) across the institution as well a other institutions in the Texas Medical Center area. We offer a highly stimulating environment and highly competitive salary, starting at $60K/yr. Positions are for 2-3 years (contingent on satisfactory performance). Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.
 Additional information can be found at:
Position Qualifications: REQUIREMENTS  
• PhD in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Computer Science, Statistics, or Electrical and Computer Engineering 
• Expertise in image analysis or computer vision and machine learning, with interest in biomedical applications. • Strong record of research publication.
 • Excellent communication skills.
 •  Programming skills in languages like Matlab or R
To apply Please send cover letter describing research interests, curriculum vitae (including list of publications and presentations), and names & addresses of 3 references to Please use [SIBL] in your subject line.