New web resources on genetic test services in the UK

Source: UKGTN website & phgfoundation

The UK Genetic Testing Network (UKGTN)has launched a new website with updated resources.
Providing advice to the Department of Health and NHS England on the commissioning of genetic tests within the National Health Service (NHS), the UKGTN promotes the equitable provision of high quality genetic testing services to patients and families. It also coordinates a network of diagnostic laboratories that provides molecular genetic test services, evaluates new tests for their scientific validity and clinical utility, and keeps abreast of new scientific developments that may affect genetic testing.
The new website provides an updated search facility (Find a Test) for the UKGTN database of genetic tests services available from the network of laboratories, now including more complex forms of testing such as panels that analyse multiple genes simultaneously. It is possible to compare prices between laboratories, as well as find out more detail about the tests and the criteria for ordering testing via the Gene Dossiers and Testing Criteria sections. The home page provides a sign-up facility to a UKGTN e-newsletter to be published twice a year. 
The UKGTN’s work is informed by a diverse and highly expert Clinical and Scientific Advisory Group and four working groups.