Phd position @ The Deep Sequencing Group at the Biotechnology Center of the TU Dresden

The CRTD is set up as an interdisciplinary and interconnected network 15 groups in the core center and over 90 principal investigators from seven research institutes in Dresden. CRTD members are located in the Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC) of the TU Dresden, the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, the Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials, clinical departments of the University Hospital 'Carl Gustav Carus', or the Medical Theoretical Center. In addition, 18 companies support the CRTD network. This network provides the expertise to develop novel regenerative therapies fast and efficiently. 
PhD candidate:-
with strong interest in technology development for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) applications. The project is focussing on the development of methods for the transcriptome wide analysis of single cells and is being carried out in close collaboration with the group of Prof. Brand ( where developed methods will be used to study processes in brain development.
Research work will involve the development of preparative techniques to isolate and amplify minute amounts of RNA coming from few down to single cells and their biological application. For analysis classical molecular biology methods and next gen sequencing will be used. The project also comprises the analysis of NGS data using open source bioinformatics tools. Therefore experience and interest in bioinformatics is an advantage.
We are looking for a motivated Ph.D. applicant who is curious and open for new
challenges on the field of developmental biology and neurobiology using innovative high throughput techniques.
If you are interested, please send your applications containing your curriculum vitae, University certificates and a cover letter summarizing relevant work experience and motivation to andreas.dahl(at) (For information please phone +49 351 458 82 351)