3 positions in the field of Bioinformatics, Computl Bio and NGS data analysis at CIBIO

CIBIO(_http://cibio.up.pt_) is a young and highly dynamic Research Centre located close to Porto, in the north of Portugal, which aims to be an international Centre of Excellence in the fields of Biodiversity and Evolution, offering great opportunities for multidisciplinary and stimulating research. The Centre is part of /InBIO/, a Portuguese Associate Laboratory, occupies recently-built facilities, and has more than 100 researchers holding a PhD degree, as well as more than 100 MSc and PhD students, and people from many different countries. Researchers are organized in 17 research groups. The working atmosphere is vibrant and enthusiastic, and CIBIO is regularly visited by many scientists from abroad. Porto is a world-heritage town, capital of Port wine, and the Northern region of Portugal provides rich cultural and outdoor activities. The Centre has fully equipped molecular laboratories (multiple PCR rooms, automated sequencers, real-time PCR machines, etc), as well as technicians and administrative staff, and the necessary equipment for fieldwork. Research projects are performed at a global scale. We are now advertising three 30-months full research contracts (www.eracareers.pt) primarily funded by a FP7 CAPACITIES programand expect to recruit enthusiastic and highly motivated researchers in the area indicated below. The positions are expected to start by March 1^st , 2013. In all cases, ample possibilities and opportunities for continuation of research are expected to become available in the years to come.*Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and analysis of NGS data*
Three 30-month research positions in the field of Bioinformatics/Informatics, Computational Biology and NGS data analysis are available at CIBIO (_http://cibio.up.pt_), University of Porto, to start a new Research Group. All areas of computational biology and bioinformatics will be considered. Applications from candidates with a demonstrated record of developing and/or applying computational approaches to study biological questions in areas including and transcriptomics, , phylogenomics, genetics/, and , and a demonstrated interest in collaborative research, are especially encouraged to apply.The successful candidates will contribute to several lines of research involving next-generation sequence data analysis, meta-genomics, population genetics, phylogenetics and phylogeography.
The positions correspond to an exciting new role that will provide advanced and dedicated bioinformatics/informatics and computational biology expertise to CIBIO, University of Porto. Successful candidates are expected to deploy and maintain analytic and data management pipelines as well as generate custom bioinformatic solutions. They will be key members of CIBIO because they are expected to collaborate with faculty, staff, and students in the design of genomic experiments and the analysis of experimental data. Experience in the analysis of next-generation sequencing data is preferred. Good communication and writing skills are essential.
Applicants should have a PhD degree, a minimum of 3 years postdoctoral experience, and asignificant publication record in SCI journals. We expect to recruit at the following levels:
1. A PI for the Bioinformatics/Informatics and Computational Biology Group. He/she will be expected to lead the Group, establish solid collaborations, and be able to attract national and international funding. As the candidate will be invited to participate in teaching at the MSc and PhD levels, a history of lecturing will be considered valuable. Salary will correspond approximately to a grossannual income of 90.000 EUR (before taxes).
2. Two leading scientists to integrate the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Group. He/she will be expected to establish solid collaborations, and be able to attract national and international funding. As the candidate will be invited to participate in teaching at the MSc and PhD levels, a history of lecturing will be considered valuable. Salary will correspond approximately to a grossannual income of 50.000 EUR (before taxes).
In all cases, applications including a detailed CV, a statement of research interests and motivation, as well as the emails of at least three referees will be accepted until February 20th, 2013. However, the committee will begin reviewing applications immediately and continue until the position is filled.The positions are expected to start in March 1^st , 2013. Informal inquiries and applications should be addressed to:
Dra. Sara Ferreira
Gestora de Cincia e Tecnologia
CIBIO, Centro de Investigao em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genticos
Campus Agrrio de Vairo, Universidade do Porto
4485-661 Vairo Portugal
Telef: +351.252660411 Fax: +351.252661780 Email: cibio.up@cibio.up.pt