Applied Bioinformatics & Public Health Microbiology15-17 May 2013Møller Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK.
Register> Abstract deadline: 20 March 2013 | Registration deadline: 17 April 2013
Register> Abstract deadline: 20 March 2013 | Registration deadline: 17 April 2013
The aim of this conference is to provide a multidisciplinary forum showcasing recent advances in sequencing and bioinformatics relevant to microbiology and virology, illustrating how these advances are being translated to meet the needs of public health. The sessions will therefore include presentations of research describing the use of ‘second’- and ‘third’-generation sequencing technologies to understand microbial diversity and evolution, pathogenesis, virulence and host-pathogen interactions. The presenters will also discuss the latest practical applications of next gen sequencing and other genomic approaches to elucidate the spread of infection.
The conference attracts international participants working in a range of settings including research institutes, diagnostic and reference microbiology laboratories, bioinformatics departments, and surveillance centres. This year we hope to have a strong representation of clinical microbiologists to ensure appropriate migration of these technologies to frontline diagnostic and surveillance applications.
Target Audience
• Clinicians, public health microbiologists, infectious disease bioinformaticians.
• Public health professionals and specialists, epidemiologists, informatics specialists
• Researchers in microbiology, virology and bioinformatics
• Laboratory technology providers, computer scientists
Scientific topics/sessions
• Making sense of high-throughput data
• High-throughput sequencing for tracking bacterial and viral disease
• New insights into pathogen biology
• Clinical and surveillance applications
• International and global strategies for public health microbiology
Scientific Organisers
Muna Anjum, Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency, UK
Jonathan Green, Health Protection Agency, UKNick Loman, University of Birmingham, UK
Martin Maiden, University of Oxford, UK
Philip Monk Health Protection Agency, UKDaniel Palm, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Sweden
Julian Parkhill, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK
Keynote Speakers
Eric Brown, The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA, USA
Elizabeth Neuhaus, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, USA
Invited speakers include:
Aaron Darling, UC Davis Genome Center, USA
Dag Harmsen, University of Münster, Germany
Jacqueline Keane, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK
Nick Loman, University of Birmingham, UK
Noel McCarthy, University of Oxford, UK
Daniel Palm, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Sweden
Julian Parkhill, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK
Sharon Peacock, University of Cambridge, UK
Jørgen Schlundt, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Torsten Seemann, Monash University, Australia
Timothy Walker, University of Oxford, UK
Abstract submission is strongly encouraged as several talks will be selected from abstracts.
Conference Programme
The conference will start at approximately 14.00 on Wednesday, 15 May and close at approximately 14.00 on Friday, 17 May 2013.
Please click here to view the provisional programme.
Please note: Due to building work to expand the Wellcome Trust Conference Centre at Hinxton, this conference will be held at the Moller Centre, Churchill College - part of the historic University of Cambridge.
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