Visit the downloads section to download the latest version.
SmashCommunity v1.6 available!
Posted on Apr 20, 2011; Updated on Sep 09, 2011
Minor update on Sep 09, 2011
There was a minor update to v1.6 on Sep 09 that fixes the URL for meta_rna/rRNA_hmm software, so that the installation process does not stall. If you had trouble installing the older v1.6 package, please download the latest version. The latest version is v1.6p2.
Note: KEGG functional database is not free anymore. We are working on ways to let the users download KEGG database file by themselves and then install support for KEGG functional annotation. We hope to get this fixed by the end of September 2011.
Please see "Applying a patch" in Special Topics to learn how to upgrade to the newest patch.
Minor update on May 06, 2011
There was a minor update to v1.6 on May 06If you choose MySQL as the database of choice, a MySQL database containing information about reference genomes and reference proteins will also be downloaded now, which may take some time. Please see "Applying a patch" in Special Topics to learn how to upgrade to the newest patch.
- fixing a couple of bugs related to functional analysis,
- adding an easy option to use MySQL as the database of choice.
Key Features in this version:
- functional annotation using the KEGG functional database
- ability to make your own reference genome database or reproduce what we make available (requires BioPerl to be installed)
- several new visualization of results:
- ability to visualize functional compositions of metagenomes on iTOL and browse through additional annotation information
- improved phylogenetic mapping of the microbial reference sequences to the RDP taxonomic tree by identifying the 16S rRNA gene sequences from them
- ability to analyze metagenomic sequences in the RDP taxonomic tree space and display the results on iTOL, either on the NCBI or on the RDP tree
- ability to analyze 16S sequences in the RDP taxonomic tree space and display the results on iTOL, either on the NCBI or on the RDP tree
See the downloads section for older versions.
- Ivica Letunic, EMBL/BioByte
- For making the coolest tree visualization tool, iTOL, and for adding so many features that SmashCommunity uses to display phylogenetic and functional summaries of metagenomic samples,
- Takuji Yamada, EMBL
- For the KEGG information digest (proteins, KOs, modules, pathways) and the contribution to several quantitative procedures,
- Les Dethlefsen, Stanford
- For being a patient beta tester and providing valuable feedback in making v1.6 stable,
- Daniel R. Mende, EMBL
- For being the longest standing beta tester since Smash was actually in beta stage and the contribution to several quantitative prodecures,
- Jens Roat Kultima, EMBL
- For being a beta tester and finding errors in the website,
- Rest of Bork group, EMBL
- For moral support.
SmashCommunity v1.4.1 available!
Posted on Sep 20, 2010
SmashCommunity v1.4.1 adds support to MetaGeneMark, a flavor of GeneMark that is optimized for metagenomic data.
Get yourself a copy of the latest version from the downloads section.
Get yourself a copy of the latest version from the downloads section.
SmashCommunity v1.4 available!
Posted on July 26, 2010
SmashCommunity v1.4 takes away all the complications of installing a complex analysis pipeline and lets the user do what he/she intends to do: metagenomic analysis. Agreed, the older versions of SmashCommunity demanded more efforts from users to install external software used by SmashCommunity as well as installing SmashCommunity itself. Those days are gone! If you have installed a GNU tool on your linux machine before, you know all you need to know to install SmashCommunity.
Check out the installation manual to see for yourself how easy it is to install and see the tutorial to start using it right away.
Get yourself a copy of the latest version from the downloads section../configure --prefix=/home/nobody/smash
make install
Check out the installation manual to see for yourself how easy it is to install and see the tutorial to start using it right away.
SmashCommunity v1.3 available!
Posted on May 20, 2010
The latest version of SmashCommunity includes several tools for comparative metagenomic analysis. It uses the iTOL batch access API to generate tree-based visualization of results.
The following sequence assemblers are supported:
The following microbial gene predictors are supported:
The latest version of SmashCommunity includes the following technical features:
The following sequence assemblers are supported:
The following microbial gene predictors are supported:
The latest version of SmashCommunity includes the following technical features:
- support for raw SFF files from 454 technology
- support for the Celera assembler
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