Complete collection of Python tutorials and refernce links

This tutorial gives a complete undestanding of python language. 

  1. Python books collection
  2. Python Basics:

  1. Getting started
  2. Learn python
  3. Basic tutorials
  4. Functions
  5. Python Dictionary
  6. Magic methods
  7. Tuples, List and Dictionary
  8. Complete Python guide
  9. Learn python the hard way(book)
  10. Invent with Python
  11. Fun with functions
  12. Python basics for PHP programmers
  13. Algorithms:
  14. Algorthims with Python
  15. Algorithms and data structurs
  16. Dynamic programming
  17. Graphs
  18. Email:
  19. Python Gmail with attachment
  20. Django python mail
  21. Python mailing module
  22. Django:
  23. Django basic tutorial
  24. Django book
  25. Django blog
  26. 10 trouble spots for django beginners
  27. Django CMS
  28. Flask:
  29. Flask tutorial
  30. Web scrapping:
  31. Python scrapping web pages
  32. web scrapping
  33. Parsing tables with python
  34. Yahoo finace scrapper
  35. Python beautiful soup
  36. Web crawler
  37. Scrape facebook friends emails
  38. Web scrapping tutorial
  39. Web scrapping tutorial II
  40. Facebook updates harvester
  41. Test processing:
  42. NLTK book
  43. Regular expression
  44. Re functions
  45. Pragmatic classification
  46. Spambayes
  47. Charming python
  48. IM and IRC bots:
  49. IRC bot using redis
  50. IRC logbot
  51. Python IRC logging bot
  52. Simple IRC client
  53. Twitter bot
  54. Gtalk client
  55. Py AIM
  56. Twitter bots
  57. Real boy
  58. Games:
  59. Python gamebot
  60. Python game programming
  61. Python mouse game
  62. Snake game
  63. Artificial intelligence:
  64. ML book
  65. Machine learning
  66. Others:
  67. Planet Python
  68. Glowing python
  69. Wx tutorial
  70. Redis
  71. Who online with Redis
  72. Puzzels and problems
  73. python libraries you should know
  74. Google appengine
  75. Facebook
  76. Mobile framework
  77. Twisted
  78. Twisted walkthrough
  79. Port scanner
  80. Server monitoring
  81. Site monitor
  82. Pyramid framework
  83. Bottle framework
  84. Bottle framework II
  85. Python Blog
  86. Guy Rutenberg blog
  87. Python performance
  88. Weather wallpaper
  89. Other tutorials:
  90. Python tutorial collection
  91. Non-Programmer python book
  92. Py school
  93. Python for fun