Postdoctoral fellowships in bioinformatics and systems biology of RNA : 02-109 Warsaw, Poland

The Bujnicki laboratory at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw (IIMCB) is looking for a postdoc with background in structural biology and/or biochemistry.
The scientific goal of this project is to characterize the relationships between sequence, structure, and function for all RNAs, using combined tools of bioinformatics, experimental biochemistry and structural biology. The objectives of the proposed research project are: validation of the structural predictions using fast, low-resolution biochemical methods for structural probing, and improvement of structural predictions with the use of experimental data as well as determination of high-resolution structures of RNA molecules.
We have an opening for a postdoc in a project funded by the European Research Council (ERC).
The scientific goal of this project is to characterize the relationship between sequence, structure, and function in the RNA world, using combined tools of bioinformatics, experimental biochemistry and structural biology. The objectives of the proposed research project are RNA structure prediction, validation/improvement of the predictions with the use of experimental data, and determination of high-resolution structures of RNAmolecules.
For this position we are looking for a “power user” familiar with molecular biology and with extensive experience in using various bioinformatics tools. This project requires experience in structural / evolutionary bioinformatics, sequence analyses, database searches, phylogenetic studies, macromolecular structure prediction. Experience in comparative analyses/structure prediction of both RNA and proteins are advantageous but not mandatory. Skills in programming (especially in Python and C/C++) would be very advantageous.
This project will be carried out in direct collaboration with bioinformaticians, biochemists, and crystallographers in the IIMCB, the top research institute in biological sciences in Poland.
Nr of positions available : 2
Typical benefits (parental leave, vacation days, social security, medical insurance etc.) associated with a full contract.
Comment/web site for additional job details
A postdoctoral position is available starting January 2014 at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw (IIMCB) in Janusz Bujnicki’s research group (
IIMCB ( is the top-ranked Polish research institute in the field of biology. The institute provides cutting-edge equipment and facilities, in particular for bioinformatics (e.g. a computing cluster with >1500 cores) and for structural biology (e.g. the X8 PROTEUM X-ray generator with a micro-focus source) as well as for cell biology, neurobiology and imaging.
The Bujnicki laboratory ( studies sequence-structure-function relationships in proteins and nucleic acids. Our team comprises experimentalists and theoreticians with a wide area of expertise. We study the naturally occurring systems and infer general rules to develop predictive models and to engineer macromolecules with new functions. We develop computer software, use bioinformatics to make structural and functional predictions, and we test hypotheses experimentally (including tools of molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysic, and structural biology). We have developed software for modeling of protein and RNA structures that was very successful in CASP and RNA Puzzles (e.g. GeneSilico metaserver, ModeRNA), as well as software for crystallography. We have identified and characterized new enzymes responsible for RNA modification, and recently we have engineered nucleases with new substrate specificities. The focus of our experimental research is currently on RNA.

Additional information:
Essential: Ph.D. in natural or life sciences or computer science; experience in bioinformatics (must obtain the PhD title before January 1st 2014; at the moment of the application the status of the PhD thesis submission must be stated).
Strongly preferred: experience in bioinformatics and systems biology analyses of RNA
An ideal candidate for this position would be an experienced bioinformaticians with experience in computational analyses of RNA and protein sequences and structures, and with strong interest in using an interdisciplinary approach and combination of various methods.
Good command of English (written and spoken) is absolutely essential. All research work will be documented in English and the working language in the lab is English.
The application must contain:
1. Curriculum vitae
2. List of publications and/or major achievements
3. Motivation for applying (including, but not limited to answers to the following questions: what do you know about our research, what are your best skills and how would you like to apply them to contribute to what we are doing, and what would you like to achieve by working with us) – up to 1 A4-page
4. Contact details of at least 2 persons for references including one from the previous supervisor
5. Samples of software written by the applicant (the code must be documented and we have to be able to compile it and run)
Applications in English (pdf format) should be sent to
Salary support at a level commensurate with experience is assured for two years, with funds likely to be available for subsequent years depending on mutual agreement.
Important: All applications must contain the following statement to allow us process your data:
“I hereby give consent for my personal data included in the job offer to be processed for the purposed of recruitment under the Data Protection Act 1997 (Dz. U. 2002 no. 101, item 926 with subs. changes).” / “Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych w celach rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (tekst jedn.: Dz U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz 926 z późn. zm.).”
We will contact top candidates only, to interview them by email/phone/Skype (in English), and selected candidates will be invited for an interview.
In case no suitable candidate applies before the deadline for a particular position, the search will be extended until a suitable candidate is found.