Text Mining

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Across all realms of the sciences and beyond, the rapid growth in the number of works published digitally presents new challenges and opportunities for making sense of this wealth of textual information. The maturing field of Text Mining aims to solve problems concerning the retrieval, extraction and analysis of unstructured information in digital text, and to revolutionize how scientists access and interpret data that might otherwise remain buried in the literature.
Here PLOS acknowledges the growing body of work in the area of Text Mining by bringing together major reviews and new research studies published in PLOS journals to create the PLOS Text Mining Collection. It is no coincidence that research in Text Mining in PLOS journals is burgeoning: the widespread uptake of the Open Access publishing model developed by PLOS and other publishers now makes it easier than ever to obtain, mine and redistribute data from published texts. The launch of the PLOS Text Mining Collectioncomplements related PLOS Collections on Open Access and Altmetrics, and further underscores the importance of the PLOS Application Programming Interface, which provides an open source interface with which to mine PLOS journal content.
The Collection is now open across the PLOS journals to all authors who wish to submit research or reviews in this area. Articles are presented below in order of publication date and new articles will be added to the Collection as they are published.