PhD opportunity: Comparative Genomics of Xenoturbella and the Acoelomorph
Application Deadline: 30 June 2013
The Telford Lab in the Department of Genetics Evolution and Environment,
University College London is seeking a PhD student to join a team funded
by an ERC Advanced Award.
The project aims to study the morphology, embryology and genetics
of the Xenacoelomorpha (Xenoturbellida and Acoelomorpha) - a newly
identified phylum of worms that have (contentiously) been linked to
the deuterostomes.
The Doctoral Student will contribute to an analysis of the genomes and
transcriptomes of several species of Xenacoelomorpha and will integrate
their findings with parallel studies of the morphology, ultrastructure
and embryology of these animals.
The successful applicant will be exposed to a vivid, collaborative
scientific environment and a broad range of advanced bioinformatics
techniques. The project will involve sequencing and assembly of
genomes/transcriptomes, automatic gene prediction and genome annotation
and comparative/evolutionary analyses of animal genomes
Applicants are required to have a strong background in computing/
bioinformatics and an interest in evolutionary biology. The position is
available from September 2013.
For further information regarding the position and scientific content
of the project please contact the Group Leader, Prof. Max Telford
Written applications in English should include a C.V., summary of
educational and work experience, statement describing your scientific
interests and contact information for two references. Applications can
be mailed to: Prof Max Telford, Dept GEE, University College London,
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK. Application deadline 30 June 2013.
Applications by e-mail only will NOT be considered.
Apologies for cross-posting
Max Telford
Professor of Zoology
Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment,
University College London,
Darwin Building,
Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BT, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 2554 (Internal: 32554)
Fax: +44 (0)20 7679 7096
a new open access journal EvoDevo:
Telford & Littlewood: Animal Evolution. OUP
Software to align Nucleotide sequence according to Amino Acid translation
TranslatorX <>
Files and software for downloading:
Mrimpatient: If you cant wait to see latest result of MrBayes analysis.
Xstem and Ystem: Software for 2y structure data in rRNA phylogenetic analyses.
MtZoa and MtHydro : new amino acid substitution matrices
Hacked version of MrBayes using these matrices
Xenoturbella You Tube video <>
The Linnean Society of London <>
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