Friday May 31
- 09h00 Welcome
- 09h05 Mogens Nielsen: Trust in Event Structures
- 09h45 Gordon Plotkin: Cartesian Closed Categories of Separable Scott Domains
- 10h25 Coffee
- 10h40 Henrik R. Andersen: From modal mu-calculus to the Jaguar F-type
- 11h20 Thomas T. Hildebrandt: Restless Events, Responses and Workflow Management
- 12h00 Lunch
- 14h00 Kim G. Larsen: Concurrent Weighted Logic
- 14h40 Steve Brookes: Events in fair computation
- 15h20 Coffee
- 15h40 Andy Pitts: Nominal Domain Theory
- 16h20 Olivier Danvy: A Characterization of Moessner's Sieve
Saturday June 1st
- 09h00 Samson Abramsky: Events and Presheaves in Physics
- 09h40 Prakash Panangaden: The Causal Structure of Spacetime
- 10h20 Coffee
- 10h40 Pierre-Louis Curien: Revisiting the categorical interpretation of dependent type theory
- 11h20 Ugo Montanari: A network-conscious pi-calculus and its coalgebraic semantics
- 12h00 Lunch
- 14h00 Vladimiro Sassone: Language-based models for linked data
- 14h40 Marcelo Fiore: Polymorphic Algebraic Theories
- 15h20 Coffee
- 15h40 Martin Hyland: Elements of a theory of algebraic theories
- 16h20 Glynn Winskel: Concluding Session
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