4273π for those wishing to teach, learn or use bioinformatics on the Raspberry Pi


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Author Name:Dr Daniel Barker: Lecturer

Dr Daniel Barker


4273π is a freely available, customised distribution of Raspbian GNU/Linux for the low-cost Raspberry Picomputer. 4273π is for those wishing to teach, learn or use bioinformatics on the Raspberry Pi. 4273π includes4273π Bioinformatics for Biologists, an Open Access bioinformatics course.
The current version is 4273π version 1.0, released on 1 April 2013.

Download 4273π

For convenience, the following components of 4273π are also available separately:

Citing 4273π

A paper on 4273π has been submitted. For the moment, please cite 4273π as follows:
Barker, D., Ferrier, D.E.K., Holland, P.W., Mitchell, J.B.O., Plaisier, H., Ritchie, M.G. and Smart, S.D. (2013) 4273π, Version 1.0. http://eggg.st-andrews.ac.uk/4273pi


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