India Bioinformatics Industry Outlook to 2018 - Surging Government Initiatives to Foster Future Prospects

The report titled “India Bioinformatics Industry Outlook to FY’2018 - Surging Government Initiatives to Foster Future Prospects” provides a comprehensive analysis of the market size of the India bioinformatics industry by revenue from domestic sales and exports, market segmentation of bioinformatics by application in different sectors such as agriculture biotechnology, medical biotechnology, animal biotechnology, environmental biotechnology, forensic biotechnology and others, by products and services such as bioinformatics knowledge management tools, bioinformatics services and bioinformatics platforms and by various applications such as genomics and transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics, pharmacogenomics, molecular phylogenetics and drug design. The report also entails the market share of major bioinformatics companies in India by revenue along with the company profiles of major bioinformatics and genomics companies. An analysis of the future of India bioinformatics industry is provided on the basis of revenue of the market over next five years.
The bioinformatics sector in India has faced many challenges over the years; however this industry has managed to sustain itself and has showcased healthy growth.

The industry has grown at a CAGR of 12.3% over the period FY’2007-FY’2013 and reached INR ~ million in FY’2013. The rising trend in the growth rate of domestic revenue in the bioinformatics market in India has paced since FY’2010. In FY’2012, the domestic bioinformatics market generated revenue of INR ~ crores which constituted ~ % of the revenue of the bioinformatics market in India. During FY’2010-FY’2013, the revenue created by exports was on an average ~ % of the entire bioinformatics revenue in India. Public funding towards research and development (R&D) from the Government of India, decline in costs of human genome sequencing, increase in R&D investments by companies and increase in the number of orders for contract research activities are leading to the increase in bioinformatics revenue in India.

The use of bioinformatics in the agriculture biotechnology sector has grown at a CAGR of 13.9% over the period FY’2007-FY’2013. The contribution of medical biotechnology to the overall bioinformatics market in India has witnessed an increase from ~% in FY’2007 to ~% in FY’2013. In FY’2013, animal biotechnology contributed nearly ~% in the bioinformatics revenue whereas the contribution of environmental biotechnology was recorded as ~% during the year. Forensic biotechnology has grown at a CAGR of 6.1% during the period FY’2007-FY’2013 while marine biotechnology and academics generated revenue of INR ~ crores in FY’2013.
The products and services segment of the bioinformatics industry in India has been majorly driven by the bioinformatics services. The bioinformatics services have grown at a CAGR of 14.2% during FY’2007-FY’2013 and reached a revenue figure of INR ~ crores in FY’2013. The bioinformatics knowledge management tools generated a major part of the revenue from the sequence analysis tools over the years. In FY’2013, the revenue from the tools segment was INR ~ crores. Bioinformatics platforms generated revenue of INR ~ crores in FY’2013 which is considerably higher as compared to the revenue generation of INR ~ crores in FY’2007.
In FY’2013, genomics and transcriptomics held nearly ~ % of the overall bioinformatics market revenue in India followed by proteomics and metabolomics which accounted for ~ % of the overall revenue of the bioinformatics market in the country in FY’2013. The revenue generated through application of pharmacogenomics in bioinformatics market in the country was INR ~ cores. Pharmacogenomics segment grew at a CAGR of 12.4% during the period FY’2007-FY’2013. Molecular phylogenetics forms ~ % of the total bioinformatics revenue in FY’2013 while ~ % of the revenue was generated through the field of drug design for the overall bioinformatics sector in India.

The bioinformatics market in India is highly fragmented with a large number of mid-sized and small players. A few large players contribute a major part of the revenue of the industry. The bioinformatics market in India is largely held by Strand Life Sciences, Ocimum Biosolutions and Molecular Connections which captured nearly ~% of the market in FY’2013. Strand Life Sciences is the largest player in bioinformatics market in India, capturing a market share of ~ % in FY’2013. Companies from the information technology (IT) sector are also gradually gaining a foothold in the bioinformatics industry in the country, by developing innovative products and services.

The ongoing trends in the bioinformatics industry in India have showcased that genomics, translational bioinformatics and personalized medicine will be the major driving segments of the industry over the next few years.

Key Topics Covered in the Report:
  1. The market size of the Indian Bioinformatics Industry , FY’2007-FY’2013
  2. Market segmentation of India bioinformatics industry by application by sectors, FY’2007-FY’2013
  3. Market Segmentation of India bioinformatics industry by products and services,FY’2007-FY’2013
  4. Market Segmentation of India bioinformatics industry by applications of bioinformatics ,FY’2007-FY’2013
  5. India bioinformatics industry trends and developments
  6. Government regulations and initiatives of India bioinformatics industry
  7. Major bioinformatics research institutes in India
  8. Market Share of leading players in bioinformatics industry in India,FY’2013
  9. Company profiles of major players in India bioinformatics industry
  10. Future outlook and projections on the basis of revenue in India bioinformatics market, FY’2014-FY’2018
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