Vancouver Bioinformatics Users Group

VanBUG (Vancouver Bioinformatics Users Group) is an association of researchers, other professionals and students in the B.C. Lower Mainland who have an interest in the field of bioinformatics.
VanBUG meets on the second Thursday of every month from September through April. Research presentations by bioinformatics leaders, students and industry representatives are followed by networking over pizza and refreshments
Meetings are held in the Gordon and Leslie Diamond Family Theatre, BC Cancer Research Centre, 675 West 10th Avenue at 6:00 pm and are free and open to all.
As a service to the community, other bioinformatics events are posted to the Calendar
Visit our sister groups for bioinformatics events in Montreal (MonBUG) and now Toronto (TorBUG)!

next speakers:

Christopher Hogue

Talk Title:

Thursday, September 12, 2013, 6:00pm

Senior Director, Joyent Inc., Vancouver
formerly, Principal Investigator, Research Center of Excellence in Mechanobiology, National University of Singapore



Please note:
Trainees are invited to meet with the VanBUG speaker for open discussion of both science and career paths. This takes place 4:30-5:30pm in either the Boardroom or Lunchroom on the ground floor of the BCCRC

Recommended Readings
Introductory Speaker:
Artem Babaian, Dixie Mager’s lab, Terry Fox Laboratory


To view previous VanBUG posters and presentations, please see Archives

sponsored by:

CIHR Bioinformatics Training Program 

Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops
past sponsors: