PhD fellowship in RNA bioinformatics analysis of high-throughput data from (inflammatory) diseases @ JU Jobbank university

Center for non-coding RNA in Technology and Health (RTH),, address non-coding RNAs in (inflammatory) diseases through a multi-disciplinary research approach spanning bioinformatics, high-throughput data, molecular biology and genetics. The center has an open PhD position in Bioinformatics and we are looking for a person to join our team from September, or soon thereafter. The position is for three years.
Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have been established as a highly abundant class of genes which play numerous important roles in the cell and in disease. These ncRNAs often contain RNA structure either for the entire sequence or sometimes as minor "domains". In RTH we have developed a range of computational tools for the analysis of both structured RNAs and high-throughput data.

Job description 
Within RTH material has been collected for a range of diseases and will be combined with in silico generated information of structured RNA and a range of information such as expression and (protein and RNA) binding generated from predictions and experiments. A key goal of the project is to filter and rank selected candidates for detailed molecular functional analysis with respect to the disease samples. Pipelines for expression analysis, data integration and statistical analysis will be developed within the project.

Qualification requirements 
The applicant should hold professional as well as personal skills and qualifications as stated below:

  • A master degree in bioinformatics, computational biology, computer science or similar.
  • Very strong experience with script languages such as Perl or Python (or similar).
  • Strong experience with the linux/unix environment, command lines and shell scripting.
  • Experience with statistical analysis.
  • Differential expression analysis (with background correction / multiple testing).
  • Possess good interpersonal skills.
  • Be excellent in English, writing and speech.
In addition to the above, weight will be given to applicants meeting one or more of the following requirements:
  • General knowledge about RNA structure folding algorithms.
  • C or C++.
Terms of employment 
The PhD fellowships are to be completed in accordance with the Ministerial order on the PhD programme at the universities (PhD order) the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Regulations and guidelines for the conferment of the PhD degree by the Faculty. The terms of employment are stated in the agreement between The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations and the Ministry of Finance. The basic annual salary for PhD students starts at DKK 300.000 (approx. Euro 40.500). In addition, the successful candidate will enter a pension fund scheme as well as paid holidays after one year. Operating costs such as course fees, project expenses, travel and stays abroad, etc. are subsidized by the project.

Place of employment 
RTH is mainly located on the Frederiksberg campus, close to the center of Copenhagen. We are an interdisciplinary center with national as well as international collaborators and visits to the partners are organized when necessary. Our research environment is highly international and stimulating. We frequently organize seminars, workshops, PhD summer schools with international speakers and have retreats with our international collaborators.

Application procedure 
Apply by clicking "Apply online" below. Applications - in English - must include:

  • Cover Letter applying including your motivation, background and why your skills match the requirements. Max 1 page.
  • CV incl. education, research experience, programming skills and other skills relevant for the position.
  • Diploma and transcripts of records (B.Sc. and M.Sc.). If the M.Sc. degree is from a foreign university, it must be documented that it is on a level equivalent with a Danish M.Sc.
  • Other information for consideration, e.g. list of publications (if any).
  • Personal Recommendations.
  • A maximum of 3 relevant scientific works (e.g. peer reviewed papers) which the applicant wishes to be included in the assessment.
  • If the applicant has another nationality than Danish and does not have English/
American as native language, a TOEFL(+TSE) (minimum score 560 pts. (paper based) or 83 pts. (internet based)) or IELTS (minimum score 6.0 pts.) official certificate is mandatory. If you have not passed this at the time of application, you must include documentation that you have signed up for the test including a statement of the expected date for result.
Application deadline 
The applications must be received latest by Sunday, September 8th, 2013.

Application received after the closing time will not be considered.
For further information about the

  • scientific content, please contact: Professor Jan Gorodkin, e-mail:, phone +45 353 34704, +45 353 33578 (direct).
  • application procedure and formalities, please contact: Administrative Officer, Marie-Louise Rosenlund, e-mail:, phone: +45 353 32898.
Deadline: 2013-09-08
Employer: Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
Founded in 1479, the University of Copenhagen is the oldest university in Denmark. With 37,000 students and 9,000 employees, it is among the largest universities in Scandinavia and one of the highest ranking in Europe. The University consists of six faculties, which cover Health and Medical Sciences, Humanities, Law, Science, Social Sciences and Theology. 
Frist: 08-09-2013 

Arbejdsgiver: Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet