Job: NERC Bioinformatics fellowships at UCL

Job: NERC Bioinformatics fellowships at UCL
From the Evolution Directory (EvolDir) via Twitter.

Dear all,

UCL's Research Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment invites expressions of interest from potential applicants to NERC's Independent Research Fellowships in Bioinformatics.

NERC has recently launched a research programme in "Mathematics and Informatics for Environmental 'Omic Data Synthesis" and funds 5-year fellowships for early-career scientists wishing to establish independent research groups. More information on the scheme and the background of the programme can be found on the NERC website (

If you have the appropriate expertise and would like to apply for a fellowship hosted in our department, please get in touch with Max Reuter ( We will support selected candidates through all stages of their application.

Our department fosters young talent and provides a stimulating and multi-discilinary research environment. It has strengths in evolutionary and statistical genetics, genomics, evo-devo and environmental and biodiversity research. For more information about our research, please visit the department's website ( as well as those of departmental sub-nuits including the UCL Genetics Institute ( and the Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research (

Best regards, Max

PS: Sorry for posting this twice, but I wanted to make sure it went to people looking at 'Job' and 'Postdoc' messages

Max Reuter

Research Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment
Faculty of Life Sciences
University College London
Darwin Building
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT, UK

Phone: +44-20-76792201 (internal 32201)

Centre for Ecology and Evolution: