International Society for Computational Biology Directly preceding ISMB 2013 19 July 2013 @ Messe Berlin, Germany Registration

The Student Council Symposium 2013 is a forum for students, post docs, and young researchers in the fields of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Participants will have the opportunity to present their work to an international audience, build a network within the computational biology community and develop important soft skills in an environment that fosters exchange of ideas and knowledge.

Key Dates

May 29, 2013

Late Posters Submission

May 29, 2013

Genome Canada TF

June 2, 2013

Late Posters Acceptance

June 2, 2013

Genome Canada TF

July 19, 2013

Student Council Symposium


Announcing Genome Canada travel fellowships for Canada-based students

Our sponsor Genome Canada is offering travel fellowships for students from Canadian institutions. If you're a student or young researcher based in Canada, don't miss this opportunity to get some financial support to attend the Student Council Symposium and ISMB/ECCB in Berlin!
Submit your abstract for the late posters call here and you will receive an invitation to apply for the travel fellowship.

New sponsor: Genome Canada

We are pleased to announce that Genome Canada will be sponsoring our symposium.
More sponsors wanted! If your company/organization would like to increase its visibility among students and young scientists in Computational Biology and related areas we can offer you various sponsorship opportunities at very competitive rates. Please contact for further information.

Extended submission deadline

We are pleased to inform you all that the submission deadline for abstracts has been extended to Monday, 22 April. For those of you who have not submitted yet, this is your last chance if you want to present your work to an international audience of your scientific peers.
Don't miss out!
Submit your abstract here.

Third keynote speaker confirmed!

We are pleased to inform you all that we have received confirmation from Gonçalo Abecasis as our third and final keynote for our symposium!
Dr Abecasis is a Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Michigan. He received his D.Phil. in Human Genetics from the University of Oxford in 2001 and joined the faculty at the University of Michigan in the same year. Dr. Abecasis' research focuses on the development of statistical tools for the identification and study of genetic variants important in human disease. Software developed by Dr. Abecasis at the University of Michigan is used in several hundred gene-mapping projects around the world.
Learn more about Dr. Abecasis here.

Call for ISMB/ECCB2013 Art and Science Works

Dear ISCB Members and Colleagues,
ISMB/ECCB brings together scientists from a wide range of disciplines, including biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics and statistics. In these fields we are constantly dealing with information in visual form: from microscope images and photographs of gels to scatter plots, network graphs and phylogenetic trees, and visual aids for problem-solving are omnipresent.
For the ISMB/ECCB 2013 Art & Science Exhibition the organizers invite all interested conference attendees to submit such images and videos that have been generated as part of a research project. They are also soliciting images and videos resulting from creative efforts that involve scientific concepts or employ scientific tools and methods. All cover images produced by researchers for scientific journals are welcome as well. A cash award may be given for the winning image as voted by conference attendees.
Attend this exciting event to surprise and inspire us, to open our eyes and minds!
  • Monday, November 12, 2012
  • Call for Art & Science Exhibition Opens
  • Friday, April 26, 2013
  • Artwork Submission Deadline
  • Monday, May 13, 2013
  • Art & Science Exhibition Acceptance Notification
    We look forward to receiving your submission,
    The Art and Science Organizing Committee.

    New sponsors!

    We are pleased to announce that the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and BioMed Central will be sponsoring our symposium.
    More sponsors wanted! If your company/organization would like to increase its visibility among students and young scientists in Computational Biology and related areas we can offer you various sponsorship opportunities at very competitive rates. Please contact for further information.

    Abstract submission is open!

    We are pleased to inform you all that abstract submission is now open! This is your chance to present your work to an international audience of young scientists.
    We welcome abstracts covering both scientific studies as well as novel tools and applications in the field of computational biology and bioinformatics. As the central part of our symposium, ten students will be selected for an oral presentation from the submitted abstracts.
    Submit your abstract here!
    For more information on guidelines and requirements, please visit our submission page.

    New sponsor: Oxford University Press

    The list of sponsors who have pledged their support grows! We gratefully acknowledge Oxford University Press for their contribution to our symposium.
    More sponsors wanted! If your company/organization would like to increase its visibility among students and young scientists in Computational Biology and related areas we can offer you various sponsorship opportunities at very competitive rates. Please contact for further information.

    Second keynote confirmed!

    We are pleased to announce the second keynote speak for SCS2013: Satoru Miyano, Professor of the Human Genome Center at the Institute of Medical Science of the University of Tokyo. His mission is to create computational strategies for systems biology and medicine towards translational bioinformatics based on the recent advances in biomedical research that have been producing large-scale, ultra-high dimensional, ultra-heterogeneous data.

    First keynote confirmed!

    We are happy to announce our first keynote speaker: Alex Bateman, "Head of Protein Sequence Resources at European Bioinformatics Institute. Pfam/Rfam generalissimo and Wikipedia evangelist" [from his Twitter profile].
    Apart from being the leader of some of the most important databases and data curation efforts, Dr. Bateman is actively involved in bridging the gap between scientists and the public, particularly through the use of tools such as Wikipedia. His address will surely be of great interest and value to students and young researchers.