Research Fellow

College of Life and Environmental Sciences
The College wishes to recruit a Research Fellow to participate in the collaborative Nornex project investigating ash dieback disease. This BBSRC funded post is available immediately. The successful applicant will use genomics and transcriptomics approaches to study the fungus Chalara fraxinea ( Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus) and its interactions with ash trees. 
The post will include bioinformatics analysis of next-generation sequencing data to elucidate patterns of genetic variation within the fungal population and to discover changes in the transcriptomes of both host and pathogen during infection. In a complementary approach, metabolomics data will be analysed to identify small molecules associated with ash dieback symptoms. The successful applicant will be able to: work effectively towards research objectives, develop projects and proposals, presentation data and outcomes  at conferences and other events, contribute to writing research publications, upload all results to the Open Ash Dieback repository ( ) and contribute to the process of securing research income.
The successful applicant will possess sufficient specialist knowledge in the discipline to develop research programmes and methodologies. The successful applicant will also be able to work collaboratively and independently, and contribute to supervision of other researchers. Applicants will be able to handle next-generation sequencing (NGS) datasets, integrate RNA-seq data with genomic sequence data to refine gene predictions, identify SNPs and other genetic variants from NGS, identify differentially expressed genes from RNA-seq data and interpret the likely biological consequences.
We welcome applications from candidates interested in working part-time hours or job-sharing arrangements.
For further information please contact Dr David Studholme or Professor Murray Grant, e-mail or telephone (01392) 724678.
To view the Job Description and Person Specification document please click here.
The College is working towards department Silver Athena SWAN awards as a commitment to providing equality of opportunity and advancing the representation of women in STEM/M subjects: science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine.
The University of Exeter is an equal opportunity employer which is 'Positive about Disabled People'. Whilst all applicants will be judged on merit alone, we particularly welcome applications from groups currently underrepresented in the workforce.
Please send your CV, covering letter and the details of three referees, along with a completed application and equal opportunities form to Hannah Smart quoting the reference number P45001 in any correspondence.
To download the application and equal opportunities form please follow the below links;