Job title: Junior Bioinformatician in Cancer Research

New Job Opening:

Job title: Junior Bioinformatician in Cancer Research
Application deadline: 1 November 2012
City: Bellinzona, Switzerland
Job contact: Francesco Bertoni

Job description

The Lymphoma and Genomics Research Program headed by Francesco Bertoni at the Institute of Oncology Research (IOR) is seeking a JUNIOR BIOINFORMATICIAN to work with their senior bioinformatician on data analysis. The candidate must be highly motivated with a personal interest on cancer genomics. The lOR Institute of Oncology Research is part of the Research Division of the Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), the comprehensive cancer center of the Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC). IOSI is one of the world referral centers for lymphomas. The successful applicant will join a young, competitive group with a very good publication track. The Lymphoma and Genomics Research Program has a very strong expertise on performing and analyzing genomic profiling in lymphoid neoplasms, having an internal dataset of already over 1,500 samples. Genome-wide methylation studies are also currently being performed. The group projects are usually run in the context of international collaborations, allowing/requiring the interaction with colleagues from different Countries. We collaborate closely with the Artificial Intelligence Institute IDSIA for algorithm development. Salary will be commensurate with qualification and experience. Initial appointment: 1-2 years. Where: Bellinzona, the capital of Ticino, the scenic southern part of Switzerland. When: We would like to fill the position as soon as possible.

Profile requirements

The successful candidate will have specific working experience in the analysis of copy number, gene expression, next-generation sequencing data (e.g. RNA-seq, CHIP-seq, Whole Exome sequencing), functional analysis, clinical response and survival analysis. Excellent mathematical and statistical knowledge is required. Fluency in R or Matlab and knowledge of programming or scripting language (e.g., Perl, Ruby, Java, Python) is a must. Experience with biostatistical and data mining packages (e.g. Bioconductor, Weka), familiarity with bioinformatic databases (e.g., NCBI, UCSC, EMBL) and software packages (e.g., BLAST, BLAT, Partek, Limma, Galaxy, IGV, Bowtie, GATK, and Velvet) are strongly advisable. Requirements: MSc/PhD in bioinformatics, computational biology or related discipline. Excellent knowledge of English, good interpersonal and communication skills are required. Basic knowledge in molecular and cell biology, molecular and experimental oncology, and related experimental techniques is highly desirable.

Please send your application to

Applicants should submit:
(1) Detailed curriculum vitae with publications list.
(2) List of three references (including their email addresses).
(3) Statement on their research interests (maximal one page).

Please send all documents, mentioning “bioinformatician FB2012”, at your earliest convenience to:
Ornella Guerra (secretary)
Institute of Oncology Research (IOR)
Via Vela 6,
6500 Bellinzona
email: ornella.guerra@ior.iosi.chThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
For further information: Francesco Bertoni, MD,